
Congratulations to our 2022-23 Danbury Hat Tricks14U team with an amazing season (45-18-7) Finalist in the CHC State Championship Finalists in the New England Regionals Championship ..Advancing to the National Championship in Irvine, CA ......


Looking to participate in a sport that requires skill, strength, strategic thinking and the desire to play as part of a team? Whatever level you play at, hockey can enhance your life, improving fitness, strength and coordination.
Whether you are looking to play casually in our recreational league or competitively with one of our traveling teams, you'll find our organization to be a great place to learn new skills and meet new friends.
The growth of girls hockey has been nothing short of phenominal over the past 15 years. With slightly differing rules regarding checking, the game is essentially the same. On the surface, it would seem that the experience for boys and girls would be the same, but there are some important differences.
Girls play for a variety of reasons, and one of the most prevalent is the social environment. They like to be on teams together. They also tend to pay attention to coaching and are receptive to the practices and instructions (according to the many coaches of girls teams I have interviewed). Girls also rate having fun much higher than winning.
One important and often overlooked benefit for girls is that they are allowed to play/compete in a very physical game in a physical environment. They can experience the thrills and spills of the game unlike anywhere else in their lives. They can express their physical nature and parents can be assured that their kids are in a safe and controlled program.
There are not many places in our society that allow girls/women the ability to experience the benefits of physical play in a controlled environment and get all of the other great benefits of playing a game like ice hockey.
Parents who are reluctant to have their girls participate should consider the long term benefit that accrue from the opportunities that playing hockey will provide to their daughters. They may never get another opportunity like this.
By Hal Tearse- Associate Coach in Chief USA Hockey